Heathfield Offices Re-fit




Dundee University



About This Project

We carried out an internal re-fit of an existing office space at Dundee University Heathfield Residences. Dali-dimmable LED luminaires were controlled by a Prolojik lighting control system, linking presence detectors, absence detectors and push-to-make switches to lighting control modules and control panels via bus-cabling. A Fastell P4 emergency lighting control system was installed and supplied from an Mweb control unit and collector box to allow the client to monitor each individual emergency luminaire from a central PC. Linking emergency lighting and lighting control units across campus provides greater maintenance and monitoring capabilities so that defective or near end of use luminaires can be replaced or repaired more efficiently and effectively to minimise disruption to the students.

Power supplies were installed to air-conditioning ceiling mounted cassettes, external condenser units, ventilation equipment and control gear and to mechanical services equipment within the boiler house. Dado trunking was installed at low level for local small power and data installations. The existing fire alarm and security alarm systems were altered and extended to suit the new layout.